I forgot my password. How can I regain access to my trading account?
Simply select the "Forgot your password" option located on the login page. An email containing a new password will be sent automatically to the email address associated with your account. Once you have completed these steps, you can log in again and proceed to change your password on the designated "Change Password" page. If you have also forgotten the email address you used to create your account, please reach out to our Customer Support for assistance.
Where can I access my trading history and view my transaction history?
To access your complete trading history and view all transactions, simply click on the "Reports" section within your trading account. In case you need specific historical data, you can search using advanced filters to find precise results.
How can I edit and change personal information on my trading account?
Select “Update Details” within your trading account. Once you have implemented your changes, click “Save”. Your updated details should appear immediately. Depending on your browser, you may need to refresh the page in order to see your latest updates.
How do I open a demo account?
To open a demo account you must first open an account with us, choose an account type, and fund your account according to the type you choose. Once your account is open and funded, demo funds will appear in your demo account, which you can use to practice trading under real market conditions at zero risk.
Which currencies can I use in my trading account?
SimpleWealthFX supports all of the major currencies and cryptocurrencies. These include but are not limited to USD, EUR, GBP, BTC, ETH, and LTC. Please note that once you choose a currency, it cannot be updated until after your account registration is complete.